ITimecardApi Interface |
Namespace: AMG.API
The ITimecardApi type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddBenefit |
Adds a new benefit to given employee.
(Inherited from IBenefitApi.) | |
AddBenefitBalance |
Balances the employee's benefit.
(Inherited from IBenefitApi.) | |
AddDepartment |
Adds new department.
(Inherited from IDepartmentApi.) | |
AddDivision |
Adds new division.
(Inherited from IDivisionApi.) | |
AddEmployee |
Adds new employee.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
AddEmployeeStatus |
Adds one or more statuses for given employee. All status start dates for each employee should be unique.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
AddHeadquarters |
Adds new headquarters.
(Inherited from IHeadquartersApi.) | |
AddJob |
Adds new job.
(Inherited from IJobApi.) | |
AddOrUpdateMiscEntry |
Adds or updates a miscellaneous transaction.
When there is already a transaction for given date/time, that transaction is updated. Otherwise new transaction is added.
(Inherited from IMiscEntryApi.) | |
AddOrUpdateTransaction |
Adds or updates a punch transaction.
When there is already a transaction for given employee at given date/time it is being updated otherwise new transaction is added.
(Inherited from ITransactionApi.) | |
AddOrUpdateWage |
Adds or updates a wage definition.
When there is already a wage for given employee at given date it is being updated otherwise new wage definition is added.
(Inherited from IWageApi.) | |
DeleteBenefit |
Deletes a benefit by ID.
(Inherited from IBenefitApi.) | |
DeleteDepartment |
Deletes a department by ID.
(Inherited from IDepartmentApi.) | |
DeleteDivision |
Deletes a division by ID.
(Inherited from IDivisionApi.) | |
DeleteEmployee |
Deletes an employee.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
DeleteEmployeeStatus |
Deletes a status from employee.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
DeleteHeadquarters |
Deletes a headquarters by ID.
(Inherited from IHeadquartersApi.) | |
DeleteJob |
Deletes a job by ID.
(Inherited from IJobApi.) | |
DeleteMiscEntry |
Deletes miscellaneous transaction by given employee and date.
(Inherited from IMiscEntryApi.) | |
DeleteSchedules |
Deletes schedules for given employees in given time range.
(Inherited from IScheduleApi.) | |
DeleteTransaction |
Deletes punch transaction by given employee and date.
(Inherited from ITransactionApi.) | |
DeleteWage |
Deletes wage definition by given employee and date.
(Inherited from IWageApi.) | |
GetAllEmployeesShort |
Returns all employees in short form.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
GetBenefits | Gets employee's benefits by category. When categoryId is 0 all benefits will be retrieved. | |
GetCategories |
Gets categories.
| |
GetDepartments |
Gets department by their IDs.
(Inherited from IDepartmentApi.) | |
GetDevices |
Gets basic information of devices.
| |
GetDivisions |
Gets divisions by their IDs.
(Inherited from IDivisionApi.) | |
GetEmployee |
Gets one employee information.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
GetEmployees |
Gets Employee objects by their IDs.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
GetEmployeeStatuses |
Gets employees' statuses.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
GetEmployeeWages |
Gets all wages for given employees.
(Inherited from IWageApi.) | |
GetGroups |
Gets groups.
| |
GetHeadquarters |
Gets headquarters by their IDs.
(Inherited from IHeadquartersApi.) | |
GetJobs |
Gets jobs by their IDs.
(Inherited from IJobApi.) | |
GetMiscTransactions |
Gets miscellaneous transactions for given employees in given time range.
(Inherited from IMiscEntryApi.) | |
GetPolicies |
Gets pay policies.
| |
GetPunchAnalysis |
Gets Punch Analysis for given employees in a given time range.
| |
GetSchedules |
Gets schedules for given employees in given time range.
(Inherited from IScheduleApi.) | |
GetSetting |
Gets settings.
(Inherited from ISettingsApi.) | |
GetShiftGroups |
Gets shift groups.
| |
GetTimecards |
Gets time cards for given employees in a given time range.
| |
GetTimecardsLite |
Gets lightweight time cards for given employees in a given time range.
| |
GetTimecardsWithWage |
Gets time cards for given employees in a given time range including wage.
| |
GetTransactions |
Gets punch transactions for given employees in given time range.
(Inherited from ITransactionApi.) | |
GetWage |
Gets employee's calculated wage according to all job costing rules.
(Inherited from IWageApi.) | |
Login |
When using cookie authentication this method should be called before calling any other API method.
AMG XML-RPC API uses cookie based authentication, so all cookies returned by this method's response should be kept and sent with each request.
| |
SetSchedules |
Adds or updates schedules.
When there is already a schedule for given date/time, that schedule is updated. Otherwise new schedule is added.
(Inherited from IScheduleApi.) | |
UpdateBenefit |
Updates the given benefit.
(Inherited from IBenefitApi.) | |
UpdateDepartment |
Updates the given department.
(Inherited from IDepartmentApi.) | |
UpdateDivision |
Updates the given division.
(Inherited from IDivisionApi.) | |
UpdateEmployee |
Updates employee's information.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
UpdateEmployeeStatus |
Updates an employee's status.
(Inherited from IEmployeeApi.) | |
UpdateHeadquarters |
Updates the given headquarters.
(Inherited from IHeadquartersApi.) | |
UpdateJob |
Updates the given job.
(Inherited from IJobApi.) |