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AMG.API Namespace
The AMG.API namespace contains interfaces for API consumption.
Public interfaceIBenefitApi
Benefit related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIDepartmentApi
Department related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIDivisionApi
Division related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIEmployeeApi
Employee related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIHeadquartersApi
Headquarters related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIJobApi
Job related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIMiscEntryApi
Miscellaneous transactions related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIScheduleApi
Schedules related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceISettingsApi
Settings related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceITimecardApi
Time-card related XML-RPC methods. This interface also contains all other API methods. Either Basic or Cookie based authentication can be used to call all API methods.
Public interfaceITimecardApiConsumer
XML-RPC service consumer proxy interface.
Public interfaceITransactionApi
Clock transactions (Punches) related XML-RPC methods.
Public interfaceIWageApi
Wage related XML-RPC methods.