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EmployeeLoginOptions Class
Container class for login related features.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.Definitions.Employees
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class EmployeeLoginOptions

The EmployeeLoginOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodEmployeeLoginOptions
Initializes a new instance of the EmployeeLoginOptions class.
Public propertyAccessBenefits
Indicates if employee has access to his Benefits.
Public propertyAccessBenefitsReport
Indicates if employee has access to print his Benefits.
Public propertyAccessChangePassword
Indicates if employee can change his password.
Public propertyAccessEditTimecard
Indicates if employee can edit his Time Card.
Public propertyAccessMessaging
Indicates if employee has access to his Messaging.
Public propertyAccessPcClock
Indicates if employee has access to PC Clock.
Public propertyAccessSchedules
Indicates if employee has access to his Schedules
Public propertyAccessSchedulesReport
Indicates if employee has access to print his Schedules.
Public propertyAccessTimecard
Indicates if employee has access to his Time Card.
Public propertyAccessTimecardReport
Indicates if employee has access to print his Time Card.
Public propertyAccessTimeOff
Indicates if employee has access to his Time Off Requests.
Public propertyCanLogin
Indicates if employee can log into the system.
Public propertyHasMobilePunch
Indicates if employee can punch from a mobile phone.
Public propertyLocationGroupId
Location Group ID
Public propertyLogin
Login name
Public propertyPassword
Password for logging into the system.
Public propertyPcClockPassword
Password for PC Clock punch.
Public propertyTimeZone
Time Zone for PC Clock punch.
Public propertyUsePcClock
Indicates if employee can appear in the PC Clock employee list.
See Also