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Wage Properties

The Wage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAmount
Wage amount
Public propertyDepartmentWages
Overridden Wages defined for Departments.
Public propertyJobWages
Overridden Wages defined for Jobs.
Public propertyPayPeriod
Pay Period if Type is Salary, Calculated_Salary or Budget. enum PayPeriod { Weekly = 1, Biweekly = 2, Semimonthly = 3, Monthly = 4, Fourweekly = 5 }
Public propertySemimonthlyDays
Semimonthly period days if PayPeriod is Semimonthly.
Public propertyStartDate
Starting date of wage
Public propertyType
Wage type enum WageType { Hourly = 1, Salary = 2, Calculated_Salary = 3, Daily = 4, Budget = 5 }
Public propertyUseJobCosting
Indicates if wage uses job costing.
See Also