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MiscEntry Properties

The MiscEntry type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccrueTowardsOT
Indicates if the duration of the transaction should be taken into consideration when calculating overtime hours.
Public propertyAmount
Money amount, if category is of money type.
Public propertyAttendanceCodeId
Transaction's applied rounding's attendance code ID
Public propertyCategoryId
Category's ID
Public propertyComment
Transaction comment
Public propertyDate
Date/Time of transaction
Public propertyDepartmentId
Department ID assigned to the transaction.
Public propertyHours
Hours, if category is of hours type.
Public propertyId
Transaction's ID
Public propertyInsertDate
Date/time when the transaction was committed.
Public propertyInsertEmployeeId
Inserting employee's ID, if the transaction was added by employee.
Public propertyIsSystemGenerated
Indicates if the transaction was generated by the system.
Public propertyJobId
Job ID assigned to the transaction.
Public propertyOTLevel

Overtime level

enum En_OtLevel { REG = 1, OT1 = 2, OT2 = 3, OT3 = 4 }
Public propertyRoundDate
Transaction's rounded date
Public propertyStatus

Transaction's status

enum En_TransactionStatus { Open = 1, Closed = 2, ClosedSystem = 3 }
Public propertyUserId
User's ID who added the transaction
See Also