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PunchAnalysisDay Class
The punch analysis item for single employee and date.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.PunchAnalysis
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class PunchAnalysisDay

The PunchAnalysisDay type exposes the following members.

Public methodPunchAnalysisDay
Initializes a new instance of the PunchAnalysisDay class
Public propertyActualWorkedHours
Gets or sets the actual worked hours.
Public propertyBreakActual
Gets or sets the actual break duration.
Public propertyBreakScheduled
Gets or sets the scheduled break duration.
Public propertyDate
Gets or sets the date.
Public propertyEmployeeId
Employee's ID number
Public propertyInActual
Gets or sets the actual IN time.
Public propertyInScheduled
Gets or sets the scheduled IN time.
Public propertyIsAbsent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the employee is absent.
Public propertyIsFlex
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the schedule is flex.
Public propertyLunchActual
Gets or sets the actual lunch duration.
Public propertyLunchScheduled
Gets or sets the scheduled lunch duration.
Public propertyOutActual
Gets or sets the actual OUT time.
Public propertyOutScheduled
Gets or sets the scheduled OUT time.
Public propertyTotalShiftDuration
Gets or sets the scheduled shift duration.
See Also