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Device Class
Container class for Devices.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.Definitions
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class Device : BaseDefinition

The Device type exposes the following members.

Public methodDevice
Initializes a new instance of the Device class
Public propertyActive
Indicates if the definition is active.
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyAddress
Device address
Public propertyBaudRate
Serial port baud rate, if Communication is Serial.
Public propertyCode
Definition's code
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyCommunication

Communication method

enum En_CommunicationType { Serial = 0, Modem = 1, Ethernet = 2, USB = 3 }
Public propertyComPort
COM port number. 1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, ... Used when Communication is Serial.
Public propertyDefaultPunch

Overrides device's swipe and go actions.

enum En_DeviceFunction { Enter Department = 0, Enter Job = 1, Out For Lunch = 2, In From Lunch = 3, Out For Break = 4, In From Break = 5, Clock In = 6, Clock Out = 7, Swipe And Go = 8, Door Access = 9, Swipe and Go (In) = 10, Swipe and Go (Out) = 11, Return Call = 12 }
Public propertyDivisionId
The division's ID associated with the device
Public propertyId
ID number of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyIpAddress
IP Address of device. Used when Communication is Ethernet.
Public propertyIpPort
IP Port number of device. Used when Communication is Ethernet.
Public propertyLastPollTime
Last time the device was polled.
Public propertyModemId
Registered modem index in system. Used when Communication is Modem.
Public propertyModemNumber
Phone number to call via modem. Used when Communication is Modem.
Public propertyName
Name of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyPrompt
Message which is to be displayed by default on the device.
Public propertyRetries
Number of tries to connect to the device.
Public propertySwipeAndGo
Indicates if the device doesn't use function keys for individual actions like Clock In or Out For Lunch.
Public propertyType

Device type

enum En_DeviceType { PC Clock = 0, Schlage HandPunch 1000 = 1, Schlage HandPunch 2000 = 2, Schlage HandPunch 3000 = 3, Schlage HandPunch 4000 = 4, Fingerprint Reader F70 = 5, Fingerprint Reader F30 = 6, TM 2010-B = 7, Card Reader New = 8, Card Reader I30B = 9, AMG IFace - FR2000 Facial Recognition = 10, TM US700 = 11, TM Default = 12, AMG-FP90 = 13, AMG-100 C Biometric = 14, AMG-FP30 = 15, TM Card Reader = 16, Schlage HandPunch GT-400 = 17, AMG WS-700 = 18, MA300 = 19, C3-100 = 21, Schlage HandKey = 22, TM 4000 Fingerprint = 23, SC700 = 24, AMG-60 C Proximity Reader = 25, WG2001 = 26, Hundure RAC-940PM = 27, Hundure RAC-2000P = 28 }
See Also