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OutsideRounding Class
Container class for Outside rounding.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.Definitions.Shifts
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class OutsideRounding : BaseDefinition

The OutsideRounding type exposes the following members.

Public methodOutsideRounding
Initializes a new instance of the OutsideRounding class
Public propertyActive
Indicates if the definition is active.
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyCode
Definition's code
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyId
ID number of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyName
Name of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyRound
For start punches: The time to which the time of being outside should be rounded after Split value.
Public propertyRoundOut
For stop punches: The time to which the time of being outside should be rounded after SplitOut value.
Public propertySplit
For start punches: The amount of minutes before which the time should be rounded back or after which the time should be rounded forward to the extent mentioned in the Round field.
Public propertySplitOut
For stop punches: The amount of minutes before which the time should be rounded back or after which the time should be rounded forward to the extent mentioned in the RoundOut field.
See Also