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LunchBreak Class
Container class for Lunches and Breaks.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.Definitions.Shifts
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class LunchBreak

The LunchBreak type exposes the following members.

Public methodLunchBreak
Initializes a new instance of the LunchBreak class.
Public propertyApplyMode

Describes how this Lunch/Break is being applied.

enum En_ApplyMode { Elapsed = 0, Punched = 1, Elapsed or Punched = 2, Fixed = 3 }
Public propertyDuration
Duration of the lunch/break.
Public propertyElapsed
Amount of hours after which a lunch/break will be automatically deducted. Note that this field will be active only if ApplyMode is set to Elapsed, Elapsed or Punched or Fixed.
Public propertyFrom

Defines whether the elapsed time should be counted from the Shift Start time or actual Clock in time. Note that this field will be active only if ApplyMode is set to Elapsed, Elapsed or Punched or Fixed.

enum En_ElapsedDeduct { Shift (Shift Start) = 1, Punch (IN Punch) = 2 }
Public propertyIsPaid
Indicates if this Lunch/Break is paid.
Public propertyMaxPunch
The amount of hours within which employee (starting either from Shift Start time or actual Clock in time) should punch for lunch.
Public propertyMinimumDuration
Minimum duration of the lunch/break. Note that if the duration of transaction is less than the minimum duration, then the system won't consider the transaction as a lunch/break.
Public propertyMinWork
Shows how many hours prior to lunch start time employee should punch IN. If employee punches later, then Fixed lunch is not being applied and instead is being applied Elapsed lunch. Note that this field will be active only if ApplyMode is set to Fixed.
Public propertyPayOutside
Indicates if the time exceeding the maximum duration also to be paid. Note that this field works only if ApplyMode is set to Punched or Elapsed or Punched and IsPaid is true.
Public propertyRestrictDuration
Set this option if you want short duration lunch or break to be denied. It means that after performing "Out for Lunch" and "Out for Break" punches from the device, employees wouldn't be able to perform any other action from the device until the lunch or break duration is over. Take into consideration that this feature doesn't apply for all device types, but only for the following ones: AMG-FP30, AMG-FP90 and new TM 2010-B, and also only in case "Punch Menu" is selected as "Menu Type".
Public propertyStartAt
The start time of Fixed lunch. Note that this field will be active only if ApplyMode is set to Fixed.
Public propertyType

The type of item.

enum En_RoundingType { Lunch = 1, Break = 2 }
See Also