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Category Class
Container class for Categories.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AMG.API.Definitions
Assembly: AMG.API (in AMG.API.dll) Version: (
public class Category : BaseDefinition

The Category type exposes the following members.

Public methodCategory
Initializes a new instance of the Category class.
Public propertyActive
Indicates if the definition is active.
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyAddToBenefit
Indicates if benefits can be added/accrued for category.
Public propertyCanDelete
Indicates if category can be deleted. System categories like WORK and LUNCH cannot be deleted.
Public propertyCanExport
Indicates if category is exported to payroll.
Public propertyCode
Definition's code
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyFieldCode
Code for payroll export
Public propertyId
ID number of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyIsOvertime
Indicates if category can go overtime.
Public propertyIsPaid
Indicates if category is paid.
Public propertyIsSticky
Indicates if Miscellaneous Entries with this category should stick to the nearest in/out transactions' hours.
Public propertyIsSystem
Indicates if the category is system or user defined.
Public propertyName
Name of definition
(Inherited from BaseDefinition.)
Public propertyOT1None
Code for OT1 for payroll export
Public propertyOT2None
Code for OT2 for payroll export
Public propertyOT3None
Code for OT3 for payroll export
Public propertyOverridesAbsence
Indicates if the transaction of this category is committed, then the employee is not considered to be absent for that day.
Public propertyPayInside
Makes category during which time is spent inside the workplace payable. Works only when IsSticky is set to true.
Public propertyRegNone
Code for REG for payroll export
Public propertyStickyCategoryId
If late, this category will be applied after the allowed duration of the related miscellaneous transaction. Works only when IsSticky is set to true.
Public propertyType

Type of category.

enum En_CategoryType { Hours = 0, Money = 1 }
See Also